EDB — 01J

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Remark 52

[01J]A distinction is made between an informal set theory and a formal set theory 1

Informal set theory exploits all notions previously listed, but does not investigate the fundamentals, that is, the axiomatization. For this approach we recommend the text [ 11 ] ; or [ 24 ] for a brief discussion.

The most widely used formal set theory is the Zermelo–Fraenkel axiomatic, that we will shortly recall in next Section. See Chap. 6 in  [ 13 ] (for a brief introduction [ 26 ] can also be fine).

In Zermelo—Fraenkel’s axiomatic set theory, all variables represent sets, so variables do not have a meaning of truth or falsehood. For this reason, in the definitions [00G] and [00Q] of well-formed formula changes the concept of ”atom”. A An atom is now a formula of the form \(a∈ b\) that has truth/falsehood value.

  1. See the introduction to Chap. 6 in   [ 13 ] for a discussion comparing these two approaches.
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Book index
  • informal set theory
  • formal set theory
  • set theory, formal
  • set theory, informal
  • set theory , see also axioms ...
  • axioms, Zermelo—Fraenkel
  • Zermelo
  • Fraenkel
  • atom
  • formula, well-formed —, in set theory
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