- E87
[02M]Difficulty:*. 1 Consider the following quotient of the family of all integer valued sequences
\[ {\mathbb X}=\{ a:ℕ→ℕ \} / ∼ \]where we define \(a∼ b\) iff \(a_ k= b_ k\) eventually in \(k\).
We define the ordering
\[ a⪯ b \iff ∃ n \mbox{ s.t. } ∀ k≥ n, a_ k≤ b_ k \]that is, \(a⪯ b\) when \(a_ k≤ b_ k\) eventually. This is a preorder and
\[ a\sim b \iff (a⪯ b\land b⪯ a) \]so it passes to the quotient were it becomes an ordering, see Prop. [1Z7].
Let \(a^ k\) be an increasing sequence of sequences, that is, \(a^ k⪯ a^{k+1}\); we readily see that it has an upper bound \(b\), by defining
\[ b_ n = \sup _{h,k≤ n} a^ k_ h ~ . \]We can then apply the Zorn Lemma to assert that in the ordered set \(({\mathbb X},⪯)\) there exist maximal elements.
Given \(a,b\) we define
\[ a∨ b = (a_ n∨ b_ n )_ n \]then it is easily verified that \(a⪯ a∨ b\). So this a direct ordering, see [06N].
We conclude that the ordered set \(({\mathbb X},⪯)\) has an unique maximum, by [06S].
This is though false, since for any sequence \(a\) the sequence \((a_ n+1)_ n\) is larger than that.
What is the mistake in the above reasoning? What do you conclude about \(({\mathbb X},⪯)\)?
EDB — 02M
"Mennucci , Andrea C. G."
Managing blob in: Multiple languages