EDB — 04R

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  1. [04R] Prerequisites:[04P],[03H],[22F].Difficulty:*.(Solved on 2022-10-13
    in parte)

    Let \(A\) infinite. Show that \(|D× A|=|A|\) for every non-empty countable set \(D\) . 1

    (A possible solution uses [04P])

    Solution 1


    (Another possible solution uses Zermelo’s theorem, [22F] and [03H]; in this case [04P] becomes a corollary of this result.)

    Solution 2


  1. Equivalently, show that there is a partition \(U\) of \(A\) such that each part \(B∈ U\) has cardinality \(|B|=|A|\), and the family \(U\) of the parts has cardinality \(|U|=|D|\).
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