EDB β€” 0MT

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Definition 3

[0MT] Given a sequence \((x_ n)_ nβŠ† X\) and \(x∈ X\),

  • we will say that ”\((x_ n)_ n\) converges to \(x\)” if \(\lim _ n d(x_ n,x)=0\); we will also write \(x_ nβ†’_ n x\) to indicate that the sequence converges to \(x\).

  • We will say that ”\((x_ n)_ n\) is a Cauchy sequence” if

    \[ βˆ€ \varepsilon {\gt}0~ ~ βˆƒ Nβˆˆβ„•~ ,~ βˆ€ n,mβ‰₯ N~ ~ d(x_ n,x_ m){\lt}\varepsilon ~ ~ . \]

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Book index
  • convergence, of a sequence
  • sequence, convergence of --- , see convergence of a sequence
  • sequence, Cauchy β€”
  • Cauchy, sequence , see sequence, Cauchy
  • metric space
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