EDB — 0Q0

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  1. [0Q0]Prerequisites:[0Q3],[0P3],[0PY], [0PN].Let \(r{\gt}0\).

    Let \(D(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : d(x,y)≤ r\} \) be the disk; show that \(\overline{B(x,r)}⊆ D(x,r)\) and that \(B(x,r)⊆ {{D(x,r)}^\circ }\).

    Let \(S(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : d(x,y)= r\} \) be the sphere; show that \(∂{B(x,r)}⊆ S(x,r)\).

    Find examples of metric spaces in which the above equalities (one, or both) do not hold.

    Find an example of a metric space where there is a disk that is open 1 .

    (See also [0SM] for the case of space \(ℝ^ n\)).

    Solution 1


  1. There are also spaces where every ball is closed, see [0QF].
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Book index
  • disk
  • sphere
  • accumulation point, in metric spaces
  • topology, in metric spaces
  • metric space
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