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  1. [0QC] Prerequisites:[0R9].Show that, for every closed set \(C⊆ X\) there exist countably many open sets \(A_ n\) such that \(⋂_ n A_ n=C\).

    Solution 1


    A set obtained as an intersection of countably many open sets is known as ”a \(G_𝛿\) set”. The previous exercise shows that in a metric space every closed is a \(G_𝛿\).

    Passing to the complement set, one obtains this statement. A set that is union of countably many closed sets is known as ”an \(F_𝜎\) set”. The previous exercise shows that in a metric space every open set is an \(F_𝜎\) set.

    See also the section [14J].

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Book index
  • \( G_\delta \) , see G-delta
  • G-delta
  • F-sigma
  • accumulation point, in metric spaces
  • topology, in metric spaces
  • metric space
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