EDB β€” 184

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  1. [184] Prerequisites:[181],[17T].Difficulty:*.Let \(CβŠ† ℝ^ n\) be a convex set, let \(f:C→ℝ\) be a convex function, we fix \(z∈ {{C}^\circ }\): show that there exists \(vβˆˆβ„^ n\) such that

    \begin{equation} βˆ€ x∈ C, f(x)β‰₯ f(z) + ⟨ v,x-z⟩~ ~ . \label{eq:piano_ sotto_ convessa} \end{equation}

    The plane thus defined is called support plan for \(f\) in \(z\). Note:It is preferable not to assume that \(f\) is continuous, while proving this result, as this result is generally used to prove that \(f\) is continuous!.

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