EDB β€” 19S

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[19S] Prerequisites:[19Q], [1HS].

Let \(IβŠ‚ ℝ\) be an interval with extremes \(a,b\). Let \(f,f_ n:I→ℝ\) be continuous non-negative functions such that \(f_ n(x)β†—_ n f\) pointwise (i.e. for every \(x\) and \(n\) we have \(0≀ f_ n(x) ≀ f_{n+1}(x)\) and \(\lim _ n f_ n(x) =f(x)\)). Prove that

\[ \lim _{nβ†’βˆž} ∫_ a^ b f_ n(x)\, {\mathbb {d}}x=∫_ a^ b f(x)\, {\mathbb {d}}x~ ~ . \]

(Note if the interval is open or semiopen or unbounded then the Riemann integrals are understood in a generalized sense; in this case the right term can also be \(+∞\)).

Solution 1


The previous result is called Monotonic Convergence Theorem and holds in very general hypotheses; in the case of Riemann integrals, however, it can be seen as a consequence of the results [19Q] and [1HS].

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Book index
  • function, Riemann integrable ---
  • Riemann integral
  • Dini
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