EDB — 1M3

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  1. [1M3]Prerequisites:[1K9],[1KQ], [20V], [20W].It is customary to define

    \[ e^ z =∑_{k=0}^∞ \frac 1{k!} z^ k \]

    for \(z∈ℂ\). We want to reflect on this definition.

    • First, for each \(z∈ℂ\), we can actually define

      \[ f(z) =∑_{k=0}^∞ \frac 1{k!} z^ k \]

      (Note that the radius of convergence is infinite — as it easily occurs using the root criterion [219]).

    • We note that \(f(0)=1\); we define \(e=f(1)\) which is Euler’s number 1

    • Show that \(f(z+w)=f(z)f(w)\) for \(z,w∈ℂ\).

    • It is easy to verify that \(f(x)\) is monotonic increasing for \(x∈(0,∞)\); by the previous relation, \(f(x)\) is monotonic increasing for \(x∈ℝ\).

    • Then show that, for \(n,m{\gt}0\) integer, \(f(n/m) = e^{n/m}\) (for the definition of \(e^{n/m}\) see [20V]).

    • Deduce that, for every \(x∈ℝ\), \(f(x) = e^{x}\) (for the definition of \(e^{x}\) see [20W])

    Solution 1


  1. Known as numero di Nepero in Italy.
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Book index
  • exponential
  • Euler
  • Napier
  • numero di Nepero , see Euler's number
  • Euler's number
  • Napier's constant , see Euler's number
  • \(e\) , see Euler's number
  • power series
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