EDB β€” 1ZX

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Exercise 17

[1ZX] In an ordered field \(F\) we call \(P = \{ x ∈ F : x β‰₯ 0\} \) the set of positive (or zero) numbers; it satisfies the following properties: 1

  • \(x, y ∈ P β‡’ x + y , x Β· y ∈ P \),

  • \(P ∩ (βˆ’P ) = \{ 0 \} \) and

  • \(P βˆͺ (βˆ’P ) = F \).

vice versa if in a field \(F\) we can find a set \(PβŠ† F\) that satisfies them, then \(F\) is an ordered field by defining \(x ≀ y ⇔ yβˆ’x ∈ P\).

  1. From Chap.Β 2 Sect.Β 7 in [ 3 ]
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