EDB — 26F

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4.5 Z-F and Peano compatibility[26F]

Let’s go back now to the model \(ℕ_\text {ZF}\) of \(ℕ\) built relying on the theory of Zermelo—Fraenkel, seen in Sec. [246]. We want to see that this model satisfies Peano’s axioms.

Recall that, given \(x\) (any set, not necessarily natural number) the successor is defined as

\[ S(x) {\stackrel{.}{=}}x∪ \{ x\} \quad . \]

It’s easy to see that N1 and N3 are true. The N5 property follows from the fact that \(ℕ_\text {ZF}\) is the smallest set that is S-saturated. N2 and N4, derive from [1YM].

We moreover saw in Theorem [24D] that the relation \(⊆\) satisfies the requisites of Hypothesis [26H].

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  • successor, in Zermelo—Fraenkel set theory
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