EDB β€” 00B

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2 Notations [00B]

  • \(β„•\) are the natural numbers, including zero.

  • \(β„€\) are the integers.

  • \(β„š\) are the rational numbers.

  • \(ℝ\) is the real line.

  • \(β„‚\) are the complex numbers.

A list of symbols is also available at the start of the index.

Remark 1


Remark 2


See also Remarks [228] and [2DJ].

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Book index
  • \(β„• \)
  • \(β„• \) , see natural numbers
  • numbers , see also natural numbers
  • \(β„€ \)
  • \(β„€ \) , see integer numbers
  • numbers , see also integer numbers
  • \(β„š \)
  • \(β„š \) , see rational numbers
  • numbers , see also rational numbers
  • \(ℝ \)
  • \(ℝ \) , see real numbers
  • \(ℝ \) , see also real line
  • line , see also real line
  • numbers , see also real numbers
  • \(β„‚ \)
  • \(β„‚ \) , see complex numbers
  • numbers , see also complex numbers
  • \( 𝕀 \) , see identity matrix
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