EDB β€” 00G

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Definition 6

[00G] (Solved on 2022-10-11) Well-formed formulas are

  • atomic formulas, i.e. composed of a single variable, or

  • a formula of the type \( Β¬ (𝛼)\) where \(𝛼\) is a well-formed formula, or

    • a formula of the type \( (𝛼) β‡’ (𝛽) \) , or

    • a formula of the type \( (𝛼) ⇔ (𝛽) \) , or

    • a formula of the type \( (𝛼) ∨ (𝛽) \) , or

    • a formula of the type \( (𝛼) ∧ (𝛽) \) ,

    where \(𝛼,𝛽\) are two well-formed formulas.

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Book index
  • formula, well-formed β€”
  • well-formed formula , see formula, well-formed
  • atom
  • formula, atomic
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