EDB β€” 02D

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[02D] Let \(V\) be a real vector space. Let \(BβŠ† V\) be a subset. A finite linear combination \(v\) of elements of \(B\) is equivalently defined as

  • \(v=βˆ‘_{i=1}^ nβ„“_ i b_ i\) where \(n=n(v)βˆˆβ„•\), \(β„“_ 1,\ldots , β„“_ nβˆˆβ„\) and \(b_ 1,\ldots ,b_ n\) are elements of \(B\);

  • \(v=βˆ‘_{b∈ B} πœ†(b) b\) where \(πœ†:B→ℝ\) but also \(πœ†(b)β‰  0\) only for a finite number of \(b∈ B\).

We call \(Ξ›βŠ† ℝ^ B\) the set of functions \(πœ†\) as above, which are non-null only for a finite number of arguments; \(Ξ›\) is a vector space: so the second definition is less intuitive but is easier to handle.

We will say that \(B\) generates (or, spans) \(V\) if every \(v∈ V\) is written as finite linear combination of elements of \(B\).

We will say that the vectors of \(B\) are linearly independent if \(0=βˆ‘_{b∈ B} πœ†(b) b\) implies \(πœ†β‰‘ 0\); or equivalently that, given \(nβ‰₯ 1\), \(β„“_ 1,\ldots , β„“_ nβˆˆβ„\) and \(b_ 1,\ldots ,b_ n∈ B\) all different, the relation \(βˆ‘_{i=1}^ nβ„“_ i b_ i=0\) implies \(βˆ€ i≀ n,β„“_ i=0\).

We will say that \(B\) is an algebraic basis (also known as Hamel basis) if both properties apply.

If \(B\) is a basis then the linear combination that generates \(v\) is unique (i.e. there is only one function \(πœ†βˆˆΞ›\) such that \(v=βˆ‘_{b∈ B} πœ†(b) b\)).

Show that any vector space has an algebraic basis. Show more in general that for each \(A,GβŠ† V\), with \(A\) family of linearly independent vectors and \(G\) generators, there is an algebraic basis \(B\) with \(AβŠ† BβŠ† G\).

Solution 1


The proof in general requires Zorn’s Lemma; indeed this statement is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice; this was proved by A.Β Blass in [ 8 ] ; see also Part 1 Β§6 [ 24 ] .

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  • [9] Andreas Blass. Existence of bases implies the axiom of choice. In Axiomatic set theory (Boulder, Colo., 1983), volume 31 of Contemp. Math., pages 31–33. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1984.
  • [25] H. Rubin and J.E. Rubin. Equivalents of the Axiom of Choice, II. ISSN. Elsevier Science, 1985. ISBN 9780080887654. URL https://books.google.it/books?id=LSsbBU9FesQC.

Book index
  • finite linear combination
  • span
  • generate
  • linearly independent
  • Hamel basis
  • basis, (vector spaces)
  • base, (vector spaces) , see basis
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