EDB β€” 02F

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Exercise 14

[02F]Prerequisites:[1Z7].Let \(a_ n,b_ n\) be real sequences (which can have variable signs, take value zero, and are not necessarily infinitesimal); let \(X=ℝ^β„•\) the space of all sequences.

Recall that the notation \(a_ n=O(b_ n)\) means:

\[ βˆƒ M{\gt}0, ~ βˆƒ \overline nβˆˆβ„•, ~ βˆ€ nβˆˆβ„•, nβ‰₯ \overline n \Rightarrow |a_ n|≀ M|b_ n|~ . \]

Show these results:

  • for \(a,b∈ X , a=(a_ n)_ n,b=(b_ n)_ n\) consider the relation

    \[ aRb \iff a_ n=O(b_ n) \]

    prove that \(R\) is a preorder;

  • define \(x ≍ y\iff (xRy ∧ yRx)\) then \(≍\) is an equivalence relation, \(R\) is invariant for \(≍\), and the projection \(βͺ―\) is an order relation on \(X/≍\) (hint: use the Prop.Β [1Z7]).

  • Define (as usually done)

    \[ \hat aβ‰Ί \hat b \iff (\hat aβͺ― \hat b ∧ \hat aβ‰  \hat b) \]

    for \(\hat a,\hat b∈ X/≍\), \((a_ n)_ n\in \hat a,(b_ n)_ n\in \hat b\) representatives; assuming \(b_ nβ‰  0\) (eventually in \(n\)), prove that

    \[ \hat aβ‰Ί \hat b \iff 0=\liminf _ n \frac{a_ n}{b_ n}≀ \limsup _ n\frac{a_ n}{b_ n} {\lt}∞\quad . \]

The above discussion is related to Definition 3.2.3 (and following) in [ 3 ] .

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  • liminf
  • eventually
  • convergence, of a series
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