EDB — 04M

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[04M] Prerequisites:[02S], [04G]. Show that a set \(A\) is Dedekind–infinity if and only if it is infinite (according to the definition seen at the beginning of the chapter).

Solution 1


Note: According to [ , the previous equivalence cannot be proved using only the axioms of ZF (Zermelo–Fraenkel without the axiom of choice) ; the previous equivalence can be proved using the axioms of ZFC (Zermelo–Fraenkel with the axiom of choice); but its validity in ZF is weaker than the axiom of choice.


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Book index
  • Dedekind
  • Dedekind-infinite
  • set, Dedekind—infinite
  • set, infinite, Dedekind ---
  • ZFC
  • ZF
  • cardinality
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