EDB — 071

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Definition 135

[071] Given two ordered sets \((X,≤_ X)\) and \((Y,≤_ Y)\), setting \(Z=X× Y\), we define the lexicographic order \(≤_ Z\) on \(Z\); let \(z_ 1=⦇x_ 1,y_ 1⦈\in Z\) and \(z_ 2=⦇x_ 2,y_ 2⦈\in Z\), then:

  • in the case \(x_ 1≠ x_ 2\) , then \(z_ 1≤_ Z z_ 2\) if and only if \(x_ 1≤_ X x_ 2\);

  • in the case \(x_ 1= x_ 2\) , then \(z_ 1≤_ Z z_ 2\) if and only if \(y_ 1≤_ Y y_ 2\).

This definition is then extended to products of more than two sets: given two vectors, if the first elements are different then we compare them, if they are equal we compare the second elements, if they are equal the thirds, etc.

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Book index
  • order, lexicographic
  • order, lexicographic
  • lexicographic order , see order, lexicographic
  • \(\lv \)
  • \(\rv \)
  • order
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