EDB β€” 090

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Proof β–Ό

[090] Trace of proof. Note that the proof only uses Peano’s axioms and induction. Given \(mβˆˆβ„•,mβ‰  0\) we recall that \(S^{-1}(m)\) is the predecessor, see [1YP] (using the arithmetic we may write

\[ S^{-1}(m)=m-1 ~ ~ ,~ ~ S(k) = k+1 \]

but this theorem is needed to define the arithmetic...) For any given \(RβŠ† β„•Γ— A\) we define the projection on the first component

\[ πœ‹(R)=\{ nβˆˆβ„•,βˆƒ x∈ A, (n,x)∈ R \} ~ . \]

Consider the family \({\mathcal F}\) of relations \(RβŠ† β„•Γ— A\) that satisfy

\begin{equation} (0,a)∈ R \tag {*} \end{equation}

\begin{equation} βˆ€ nβ‰₯ 0,βˆ€ y∈ A,~ ~ (n,y)∈ Rβ‡’ (S(n),g_ n(y))∈ R \tag {**} \end{equation}

We show that under these conditions \(πœ‹(R)=β„•\); we know that \(0∈ πœ‹(R)\); if \(m\in πœ‹(R)\), then there exists \(x∈ A\) for which \((m,x)∈ R\) from which for ** follows \((S(m),g_{m}(x))∈ R\), and we obtain \(S(m)∈ πœ‹(R)\).

The family \({\mathcal F}\) is not empty because \(β„•Γ— A∈ {\mathcal F}\). Let then \(T\) be the intersection of all relations in \({\mathcal F}\). \(T\) is therefore the least relation in \({\mathcal F}\).

It is possible to verify that \(T\) satisfies the previous * and ** properties. In particular \(πœ‹(T)=β„•\).

We must now show that \(T\) is the graph of a function (which is the desired \(f\) function), that is, that for every \(n\) there is a single \(x∈ A\) for which \((n,x)∈ T\).

Let \(A_ n=\{ x∈ A, (n,x)∈ T \} \); we write \(|A_ n|\) to denote the number of elements in \(A_ n\); since \(πœ‹(T)=β„•\) then \(|A_ n|β‰₯ 1\) for every \(n\). We will show that \(|A_ n|=1\) for each \(n\). We will prove it by induction. Let

\[ P(n) \doteq |A_ n| = 1\quad . \]

Let’s see the induction step.

Suppose by contradiction that \(|A_{m}|=1\) but \(|A_{Sm}|β‰₯ 2\); morally at \(m\) the graph of the function \(f\) ”forks” and the function becomes ”multivalued”. We define for convenience \(w=g_{m}(x),k=Sm\); we may remove some elements to \(T\) (those that do not have a ”predecessor” according to the relation **) defining

\[ \tilde T=T⧡ \{ (k,y) : y∈ A, yβ‰  w \} \]

it is possible to show that \(\tilde T\) satisfies * and **, but \(\tilde T\) would be smaller than \(T\), against the minimality of \(T\). To prove that \(P(0)\) holds, we define \(k=0,w=a\) and proceed in the same way.

The previous reasoning also shows that the function is unique, because if the graph \(G\) of any function satisfying to * and ** must contain \(T\), then \(T=G\).

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