EDB β€” 0DJ

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Exercise 13

[0DJ]Let \(a_ n,b_ n\) be real sequences (which can have variable signs, take value zero, and are not necessarily infinitesimal).

Recall that the notation \(a_ n=o(b_ n)\) means:

\[ βˆ€ \varepsilon {\gt}0, ~ βˆƒ \overline nβˆˆβ„•, ~ βˆ€ nβˆˆβ„•, nβ‰₯ \overline n \Rightarrow |a_ n|≀ \varepsilon |b_ n|~ . \]

Shown that these two clauses are equivalent.

  • Eventually in \(n\) we have that \(a_ n=0\iff b_ n=0\); having specified this, we have \(\lim _ n\frac{a_ n}{b_ n}=1\), where it is decided that \(0/0=1\) (in particular \(a_ n,b_ n\) eventually have the same sign, when they are not both null);

  • we have that \(a_ n=b_ n+o(b_ n)\).

The second condition appears in Definition 3.2.7 in [ 3 ] where it is indicated by the notation \(a_ n\sim b_ n\).

Deduct that \(a_ n\sim b_ n\) is an equivalence relation.

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  • eventually
  • convergence, of a series
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