EDB β€” 0DQ

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  1. [0DQ]Difficulty:*.(Proposed on 2022-12) Let the ordered set \((X,≀)\) be given; we define

    \[ P_ x {\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ w∈ X: w {\lt} x\} \quad . \]

    Suppose \((X,≀)\) meets these two requirements:

    • \[ βˆ€ x,y∈ X~ ,~ P_ x = P_ y β‡’ x=y \]
    • every non-empty set \(AβŠ† X\) contains at least one minimal element, i.e.

      \[ βˆƒ a∈ A, βˆ€ b∈ A Β¬(b{\lt}a)\quad ; \]

    then \((X,≀)\) is well ordered.

    Solution 1


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