3.9 Well ordering [1YQ]

Definition 103


A total order \(≤\) on a set \(X\) is a well ordering if every nonempty subset of \(X\) has a minimum.

In particular \(X\) has a minimum that we will indicate with \(0_ X\).

[222]The theory of well orderings is very much linked to the theory of ordinals, of which we have given a few hints in Sec. ??. We just say that every ordinal is the standard representative of a type of well ordering. Using standard ordinal theory (due to Von Neumann) many of the subsequent exercises can be reformulated and simplified.

Remark 104

[07S](Solved on 2023-01-17) Recall that the supremum \(\sup A\) of \(A⊆ X\) is (by definition) the minimum of the majorants (quando questo minimo esiste).

If \(X\) is well ordered we have the existence of the supremum \(\sup A\) for any \(A⊆ X\) that is upper bounded. 1 (If \(A\) is not upper bounded, we can conventionally decide that \(\sup A=∞\)).


[07W]If \((X,≤)\) is a well-ordered set and \(Y⊆ X\) is a subset, then \(Y\) (with the restriction of the ordering) \(≤\) is a well-ordered set.


[07X] Prerequisites:134.(Solved on 2023-01-17) (Proposed on 2022-12) Let \(X\) be totally ordered set. Show that these are equivalent:

  1. \(X\) is well ordered;

  2. there are no strictly decreasing functions \(f:ℕ→ X\).

(This is a special case of 11)


[22F]Prerequisites:72,64,69,2.Difficulty:*.Note:exercise 2 written exam on 29 January 2021.(Solved on 2022-10-13
in part)

Let be given \((X,≤_ X )\) where \(X\) is an infinite set and \(≤_ X\) is a well ordering.

  • If \(X\) has no maximum, then there exists \((Y,≤_ Y )\) such that setting \(Z=Y× ℕ\) with \(≤_ Z\) the lexicographical order, then \((X,≤_ X)\) and \((Z,≤_ Z)\) have the same type of order.

  • If instead \(X\) has maximum, then there exist \((Y,≤_ Y )\) and \(k∈ℕ\) such that, setting \(Z\) be the concatenation of \(Y× ℕ\) and \(\{ 0,\ldots k\} \) (where \(Y×ℕ\) has the lexicographical order, as above), then \((X,≤_ X)\) and \((Z,≤_ Z)\) have the same type of order.

  • Show that, in the previous cases, \(Y\) is well ordered.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’22G’]


[0DQ]Difficulty:*.(Proposed on 2022-12) Let the ordered set \((X,≤)\) be given; we define

\[ P_ x {\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ w∈ X: w {\lt} x\} \quad . \]

Suppose \((X,≤)\) meets these two requirements:

  • \[ ∀ x,y∈ X~ ,~ P_ x = P_ y ⇒ x=y \]
  • every non-empty set \(A⊆ X\) contains at least one minimal element, i.e.

    \[ ∃ a∈ A, ∀ b∈ A ¬(b{\lt}a)\quad ; \]

then \((X,≤)\) is well ordered.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’26R’]


Definition 105

[1Z0] Let \(X\) be a well-ordered non-empty set. Suppose \(x∈ X\) is not the maximum, then the set of majorants \(\{ y∈ X:y{\gt}x\} \) is not empty, so we define the successor element \(S(x)\) of \(x\) as

\[ S(x) = \min \{ y∈ X:y{\gt}x\} \quad . \]


[1Z1]Prerequisites:105. (Proposed on 2023-01-17)

Suppose \(X\) has no maximum; let \(S\) be defined as in 105; show that is an injective function

\[ S:X→ X\quad , \]

and that \(S(x)≠ 0_ X\), for every \(x\) (that is, \(0_ X\) is not successor of any element).

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’223’]

We note that in general \(S\) will not be surjective, as a function \(S: X→ X⧵ \{ 0_ X\} \): there may be elements \(y∈ S, y≠ 0_ X\) that are not successors of an element. If, however, for a given \(y∈ X\), there exists \(x∈ X\) such that \(y=S(x)\), we will say that \(x\) is the predecessor of \(y\).


[22H]Prerequisites:105,1.If \(x≤ y≤ S(x)\) then \(y=x∨ y=S(x)\).

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’22J’]

(The meaning of this result is that \(S(x)\) is the immediate successor of \(x\), there is nothing in between...).

Segments and well orderings

In the following \((X,\le _ X)\) will be a well-ordered set.

Definition 106

[07T]A nonempty subset \(S⊆ X\) is an initial segment if \(∀ x∈ S, ∀ y∈ X,~ y{\lt}x ⇒ y∈ S\).


[07Z] Show that the initial segment union is an initial segment.


[080] (Solved on 2023-01-17) If \(S⊆ X\) is an initial segment and \(S≠ X\), show that \(s∈ X⧵ S\) exists and is unique (\(s\) is called the next item to \(S\)) which extends \(S\), i.e. such that \(S ∪ \{ s\} \) is an initial segment. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’081’] (Note that there are similarities with the concept of "successor" seen in 105... We could say that \(s\) is the successor of the segment \(S\)).


[082] Prerequisites: 67, 68, 4.(Solved on 2023-01-17) Let \(X\) be a well-ordered set. Show that if \(I⊆ X\) is an interval then \(I=[a,b)\) or \(I=[a,b]\) or \(I=[a,∞)\) with \(a,b∈ X\). (The reverse is obviously true).

In particular, an initial segment is \([0_ X,b)\) or \([0_ X,b]\) or all \(X\). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’083’]


[084] Let \((X,≤_ X),(Y,≤_ Y)\) be totally ordered non-empty sets. Let \(f:X→ Y\) be a strictly increasing bijective function. Then for each \(S⊆ X\) initial segment we have that \(f(S)\) is an initial segment of \(Y\); and vice versa. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’085’]


[086] Prerequisites:2,134,69.

Let \((X,≤_ X)\) be a well-ordered non-empty set. Show that if \(S⊆ X\) is an initial segment and \((X,≤_ X)\) and \((S,≤_ X)\) are equiordinate from the map \(f:S→ X\) then \(X=S\) and \(f\) is the identity.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’087’][UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’088’]

(Note the difference with cardinality theory: An infinite set is in one-to-one correspondence with some of its proper subsets, cf 2 and 2. Moreover, if two sets have the same cardinality then there are many bijections between them.)


[089](Solved on 2023-01-17) Give an example of a totally ordered set \((X,≤_ X)\) which has minimum, and of an initial segment \(S\) such that \((X,≤_ X)\) and \((S,≤_ X)\) are equiordinate. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’08B’]


[08C]Prerequisites:5.(Proposed on 2022-12) Let \((X,≤_ X)\) and \((Y,≤_ Y)\) be well ordered; suppose there exists a bijective function \(f:X→ T\) strictly increasing  where \(T\) an initial segment of \(Y\); then \(f\) is unique (and unique is \(T\)). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’08D’]


[08F]Prerequisites:17, 1, 4, 2, 7.

Let be given two well-ordered non-empty sets \((X,≤_ X)\) and \((Y,≤_ Y)\). Show that

  1. there is an initial segment \(S\) of \(X\) and a strictly increasing monotonic bijective function \(g:S→ Y\); or 2

  2. there is an initial segment \(T\) of \(Y\) and a bijective strictly increasing monotonic function \(g:X→ T\).

In the first case we will write that \((Y,≤_ Y)⪯ (X,≤_ X)\), in the second that \((X,≤_ X)⪯ (Y,≤_ Y)\). (Note that in the first case you have \(|Y|≤ |X|\) and in the second \(|X|≤ |Y|\)). By the previous exercise, the map \(g\) and its segment are unique.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’08G’]


[08H]Prerequisites:8.Show that if \((X,≤_ X)⪯ (Y,≤_ Y)\) and also \((Y,≤_ Y)⪯ (X,≤_ X)\), then they are equiordinate.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’08J’]

The relation \(⪯\) is therefore a total order between types of well-orderings.



[08K] Prerequisites:3.The type of well ordering of \(ℕ\) is called \(𝜔\). Given \(k≥ 2\) natural, \(ℕ^ k\) endowed with the lexicographical order is a well-ordered set (for 3), and the type of ordering is called  \(𝜔^ k\). Show that \(𝜔^ k⪯𝜔^ h \) for \(h{\gt}k\), and that \(𝜔^ k,𝜔^ h \) do not have the same type of order.


[08M] Difficulty:*.Build a well ordering on a countable set \(X\) such that \(X=⋃_{n=1}^∞ S_ n\) where \(S_ n\) are initial segments, each with order type \(𝜔^ n\). The order so built on \(X\) is indicated by  \(𝜔^𝜔\). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’08N’]


[08P]Difficulty:*.Build a strictly increasing map between \(𝜔^𝜔\) and \(ℝ\). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’08Q’]



  1. ”Upper bounded” means that there exists \(w∈ X\) such that \(x≤ w\) for every \(x∈ A\). This is equivalent to saying that the set of majorants of \(A\) is not empty!
  2. The two conditions can also both apply, in which case \(X,Y\) have the same type of order.