10.13 Ultrametric


Definition 302

[0WM] An ultrametric space is a metric space in which the triangle inequality is reinforced by the condition

\begin{equation} d(x,y)≤\max \{ d(x,z),d(z,y)\} ~ ~ .\label{eq:ultrametrico} \end{equation}


[0WN]Show that 303 implies that \(d\) satisfies the triangle inequality.


[0WP]Note that if \(d(x,y)≠ d(y,z)\) then \(d(x,z)= \max \{ d(x,y),d(y,z)\} \). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0WQ’] Intuitively, all triangles are isosceles, and the base is shorter than equal sides.


[0WR] Consider two balls \(B(x,r)\) and \(B(y,𝜌)\) radius \(0{\lt}r≤ 𝜌\) that have non-empty intersection: then \(B(x,r)⊆ B(y,𝜌)\).

Similarly for the disks \(D(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : d(x,y)≤ r\} \) and \(D(y,r)\).

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[0WT]Show that two balls \(B(x,r)\) and \(B(y,r)\) of equal radius are disjoint or are coincident; in particular they are coincident if and only if \(y∈ B(x,r)\). Similarly for the discs \(D(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : d(x,y)≤ r\} \) and \(D(y,r)\).

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[0WW] Show that every open ball \(B(x,r)\) is also closed. Show that every disk \(D(x,r)\) with \(r{\gt}0\) is also open. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0WX’] By the exercise 1, there follows that the space is totally disconnected.


[0WY] Let \(𝜑:[0,∞)→ [0,∞)\) be a function that is continuous in zero, monotonically weakly increasing and with \(𝜑(x)=0\iff x=0\). Show that \(\tilde d=𝜑◦ d\) is still an ultrametric. Show that spaces \((X,d)\) \((X,\tilde d)\) have the same topology.

Compare with the exercise 5, notice that we do not require \(𝜑\) to be subadditive.


Ultrametric space of sequences

Let’s build this example of ultrametric on the space of sequences.

Definition 304

[0X0] Let \(I\) be a non-empty set, with at least two elements. Let \(X=\{ f:ℕ→ I\} =I^ℕ\) be the space of sequences. Let \(x,y∈ X\). If \(x=y\) then we set \(d(x,y)=0\).  1 If \(x≠ y\), we set

\begin{equation} c(x,y)=\min \{ n≥ 0, x(n)≠ y(n)\} \label{eq:c_ ultrametrica_ succ} \end{equation}

to be the first index where the sequences are different; then we define \(d(x,y)=2^{-c(x,y)}\).

Remark 306

[0X1] Because of the exercise 6, we could equivalently define \(d(x,y)=\varepsilon _{c(x,y)}\) with \(\varepsilon _ n{\gt}0\) infinitesimal decreasing sequence.


[0X2]Prerequisites:304.Show that \(d(x,y)≤ \max \{ d(x,z),d(y,z)\} \).

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[0X4]Topics:complete. Prerequisites:304.Show that \((X,d)\) is complete. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0X5’]




Show that \((X,d)\) is compact if and only if \(I\) is a finite set.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0X7’]


[0X8]Prerequisites:304,2. Suppose that \(I\) is a group; then \(X\) is a group (it is the Cartesian product of groups); and multiplication is carried out ”component by component”. Show that the product in \(X\) is a continuous operation, and so for the inversion map. So \((X,d)\) is a topological group.


[0XC]Prerequisites:304,2. Let \(I\) be a set of cardinality 2, then the space \((X,d)\) is homeomorphic to the Cantor set (with the usual Euclidean metric \(|x-y|\)).

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Combining this result with 4 we get that the Cantor set (with its usual topology) can be endowed with an abelian group structure, where the sum and inverse are continuous functions; This makes it a topological group.

See also 2.

  1. This can also be achieved by defining \(c(x,x)=∞\)