10.15 Circle[2CF]

Definition 313

[0Y3] \(S^ 1=\{ x∈ℝ^ 2 , |x|=1\} \) is the circle in the plane.

It is a closed set in \(ℝ^ 2\), so we can think of it as a complete metric space with the Euclidean distance \(d(x,y)=|x-y|_{ℝ^ 2}\).

Definition 314

[0Y4]We denote by \(ℝ/2𝜋\) the quotient space \(ℝ/∼\) where \(x∼ y\iff (x-y)/(2𝜋)∈ℤ\) is an equivalence relation that makes points equivalent that are an integer multiple of \(2𝜋\). This space \(ℝ/2𝜋\) is called the space of real numbers modulo \(2𝜋\).

As usual, given \(t∈ℝ\), we indicate with \([t]\) the class of elements in \(ℝ/2𝜋\) equivalent to \(t\).


[0Y5]Consider the map

\begin{eqnarray*} Φ : ℝ/2𝜋 & →& S^ 1\\ {} [t] & ↦ & (\cos (t),\sin (t)) \end{eqnarray*}

Show that it is well-defined and bijective.

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[0Y7]Through this bijection we transport the Euclidean distance from \(S^ 1\) to \(ℝ/2𝜋\) defining

\[ d_ e([s],[t])=|Φ([s])-Φ([t])|_{ℝ^ 2} ~ ~ . \]

With this choice the map \(Φ\) turns out to be an isometry between \((S^ 1,d)\) and \((ℝ/2𝜋,d_ e)\) (see the Definition 297). So the latter is a complete metric space.

With some simple calculations it can be deduced that

\[ d_ e([s],[t])= \sqrt{ |\cos (t)-\cos (s)|^ 2 + |\sin (t)-\sin (s)|^ 2}= \sqrt{ 2 - 2 \cos (t-s)} ~ ~ . \]

Then we define the function

\[ d_ a([s],[t]) = \inf \{ |s-t-2𝜋 k| : k∈ℤ\} ~ ~ , \]

show that it is a distance on \(ℝ/2𝜋\).

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[0Y9]Show that \(d_ a([s],[t])\) is the length of the shortest arc in \(S^ 1\) that connects \(Φ([s])\) to \(Φ([t])\).


[0YB]Show that distances \(d_ a\) and \(d_ e\) are equivalent, proving that \(\frac{2}{𝜋}d_ a≤ d_ e≤ d_ a\).

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[0YD] Prerequisites:1.One can easily show that a function \(f:ℝ/2𝜋→ X\) can be seen as a periodic function \(\tilde f:ℝ→ X\) of period \(2𝜋\), and vice versa.

This can be easily obtained from the relation \(f([t])=\tilde f(t)\) where \(t\) is a generic element of its equivalence class \([t]\). Assuming that \(\tilde f\) is periodic (with period \(2𝜋\)), the above relation allows to derive \(f\) from \(\tilde f\) and vice versa.

Show that \(f\) is continuous if and only if \(\tilde f\) is continuous.


[0YF] Prerequisites:3.Let \((X,𝜏)\) be the compactified line, the topological space defined in 3. Show that it is homeomorphic to \(S^ 1\).