23.6 Matrix equations
To solve the following exercises you need to know the elementary properties of the exponential of matrices, see section 19.3.
- E441
[1SW]Prerequisites:4,3, Section 19.3.
Given \(A,C∈ ℂ^{n× n}\) and \(F:ℝ→ℂ^{n× n}\) continuous matrix valued functions, solve the ODE
\[ X'=AX+F~ ~ , X(0)=C~ ~ , \]where \(X:ℝ→ℂ^{n× n}\).
(Hint: use the method of variation of constants: replace \(Y(t)=\exp (-tA)X(t)\))
Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1SX’]
- E441
[1SY]Prerequisites:4,3, Sec. 19.3.Difficulty:*.
Given matrixes \(A,B,C∈ ℂ^{n× n}\), solve the ODE
\[ X'=AX+XB~ ~ , X(0)=C~ ~ , \]where \(X:ℝ→ℂ^{n× n}\)
Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1SZ’]
Let \(V=ℂ^{n× n}\) a matrix space, we equip it with a submultiplicative norm \(\| C\| _ V\). Let \(C∈ V\) and let \(A,B:ℝ→ V\) be continuous curves in space of matrices.
We recursively define \(Q_ 0=C\), and
\[ Q_{n+1}(s)=∫_ 0^ s A(𝜏) Q_ n(𝜏)B(𝜏)\, {\mathbb {d}}𝜏\quad ; \]show that the series
\[ Y(t)=∑_{n=0}^∞ Q_ n(t) \]is well defined, showing that, for every \(T{\gt}0\), it converges totally in the space of continuous functions \(C^ 0=C^ 0([-T,T]→ V)\), endowed with the norm
\[ \| Q\| _{C^ 0}{\stackrel{.}{=}}\max _{|t|≤ T} \| Q(t)\| _ V \quad . \]Show that the function just defined is the solution of the differential equation
\[ \frac{d\hskip5.5pt}{d{t}} Y(t) = A(t) Y(t) B(t)~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ Y(0)=C~ ~ . \]If \(A,B\) are constant, note that
\[ Y(t)=∑_{n=0}^∞ t^ n \frac{A^ n C B^ n}{n!}\quad . \]
Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1T2’] [1T3] Prerequisites:2,3.Note:Abel’s identity.
Let be given \(C∈ ℂ^{n× n}\), \(A:ℝ→ℂ^{n× n}\) continuous, and the solution \(Y(t)\) of the ODE
(which has been studied in 2). Set \(a(t)={\operatorname {tr}}(A(t))\), show that
If \(C\) is invertible, it follows that \(Y(t)\) is always invertible.
Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1T4’]
[UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1T5’] [1T6]Prerequisites:4,3,2.
Let be given \(C∈ ℂ^{n× n}\), \(F,A:ℝ→ℂ^{n× n}\) continuous, and the solution \(Y(t)\) of the ODE
Solve the equation
where \(X:ℝ→ℂ^{n× n}\), using \(Y(t)\) as an auxiliary function.
Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1T7’]