15.1 Convex sets[2F0]

Definition 360

[16W]Given \(x_ 1,\ldots x_ k∈ ℝ^ n\) , given \(t_ 1,\ldots t_ k≥ 0\) with \(t_ 1+\cdots + t_ k=1\), the sum

\[ x_ 1 t_ 1+\cdots + x_ k t_ k \]

is a convex combination of the points \(x_ 1,\ldots x_ k\).

Remark 361

[23P]If \(k=2\) then the convex combination is usually written as \((tx+(1-t)y)\) with \(t∈ [0,1]\); the set of all these points is the segment that connects \(x\) to \(y\).

Definition 362

[16X] Let \(C⊆ ℝ^ n\) be a set; it is called convex if

\[ ∀ t∈[0,1],~ ~ ∀ x,y∈ C, ~ ~ (tx+(1-t)y)∈ C \]

that is, if the segment connecting each \(x,y∈ C\) is all inclusive in \(C\).

(We note that \(∅\) is a convex set, and that every vector subspace or affine subspace of \(ℝ^ n\) is convex).

Convex sets enjoy a lot of interesting properties, this one below is just a small list.



[16Y] Let \(C⊆ ℝ^ n\) be a set; show that it is convex if and only if it contains every convex combination of its points, that is: for every \(k≥ 1\), for every choice of \(x_ 1,\ldots x_ k∈ C\) , for each choice \(t_ 1,\ldots t_ k≥ 0\) with \(t_ 1+\cdots + t_ k=1\), you have

\[ x_ 1 t_ 1+\cdots + x_ k t_ k ∈ C\quad . \]

[16Z] Topics:simplex.

Given \(x_ 0,\ldots x_ k∈ ℝ^ n\), let

\begin{equation} \left\{ ∑_{i=0}^ k x_ i t_ i : ∑_{i=0}^ k t_ i=1 ∀ i, t_ i≥ 0 \right\} \label{eq:simplesso} \end{equation}

the set of all possible combinations: prove that this set is convex.

When the vectors \(x_ 1-x_ 0,x_ 2-x_ 0\ldots x_ k-x_ 0\) are linearly independent, the set defined above is a simplex of dimension \(k\).

Show that, if \(n=k\), then the simplex has a non-empty interior, equal to

\begin{equation} \left\{ ∑_{i=0}^ n x_ i t_ i : ∑_{i=0}^ n t_ i=1 ∀ i, t_ i> 0 \right\} \label{eq:interno_ simplesso} \end{equation}


[170] Let \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) be a convex set containing at least two points, and \(V\) the smallest affine space that contains \(A\) (show that this concept is well defined); and, viewing \(A\) as a subset of \(V\), prove that \(A\) has non-empty inner part. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’171’]


[172] If \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) is convex, \(x∈ {{A}^\circ }\) and \(y∈ A\) then the segment that links them is contained in \({{A}^\circ }\), except possibly for the extreme \(y\), that is, \(∀ t∈(0,1), t x+(1-t)y∈ {{A}^\circ }\). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’173’]


[174] Prerequisites:4,1.If \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) is convex, \(x∈ {{A}^\circ }\) and \(z∈ ∂ A\) then the segment that connects them is contained in \({{A}^\circ }\), except possibly for the extreme \(z\) (i.e. \(∀ t∈(0,1), tx+(1-t)z∈ {{A}^\circ }\)). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’175’]


[176] Given \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) convex, show that its interior, as well as its closure, are still convex. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’177’]


[178] Prerequisites:286,5.Given \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) convex with non-empty interior, show that \(\overline A= \overline{({{A}^\circ })}\) (the closure of the interior of \(A\)). Then find a simple example of \(A\) for which \(\overline A≠ \overline{({{A}^\circ })}\). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’179’]


[17B] Prerequisites:7.Difficulty:*.

Given \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) convex, show that \({{A}^\circ }={{\Big(\overline A\Big)}^\circ }\) (the inner part of the closure of \(A\)).

Using 3 it is easily shown that \({{A}^\circ }⊇ {{\Big(\overline A\Big)}^\circ }\); unfortunately this result is useful in one of the possible proofs of 3 (!); an alternative proof uses simplexes as neighbourhoods, cf 2. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’17C’]


[059]Suppose that \(C_ i⊆ℝ^ n\) are convex sets, for \(i∈\ I\): prove that

\[ ⋂_{i∈ I} C_ i \]

is convex.

Definition 365

[2G4]Let then \(A⊆ℝ^ n\) be a non-empty set, the convex hull (or convex envelop) \(co(A)\) of \(A\) is the intersection of all convex sets containing \(A\). Because of 9, \(co(A)\) is the smallest convex sets containing \(A\).

See also exercises 6, 14 and 15.

Projection, separation


[17D] Topics:projection.Difficulty:*. Note:This is the well-known ”projection theorem”, which holds for \(A\) convex closed in a Hilbert space; if \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) then the proof is simpler, and it’s a useful exercise..

Given \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) closed convex non-empty and \( z∈ ℝ^ n\), show that there is only one minimum point \(x^*\) for the problem

\[ \min _{x∈ A} \| z-x\| ~ . \]
Show that \(x^*\) is the minimum if and only if
\[ ∀ y∈ A , ⟨ z-x^*, y-x^* ⟩≤ 0 ~ ~ . \]
\(x^*\) is called ”the projection of \(z\) on \(A\)”.
\includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth ]{UUID/1/7/F/blob_zxx}

(Note that this last condition is simply saying that the angle must be obtuse.)

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’17G’]


[17H] Topics:separation. Prerequisites:1.

Given \(A⊂ {\mathbb {R}}^ n\) closed non-empty convex and \(z∉ A\), let \(x^*\) be defined as in the previous exercise 1; define \(𝛿=\| z-x^*\| \), \(v= (z-x^*)/𝛿\) and \(a=⟨ v,x^*⟩\). Prove that \(v,a\) and \(v,a+𝛿\) define two parallel hyperplanes that strongly separate \(z\) from \(A\), in the sense that \(⟨ z,v⟩=a+𝛿\) but \(∀ x∈ A,⟨ x,v⟩≤ a\).


[17J] Topics:separation. Difficulty:*.

This result applies in very general contexts, and is a consequence of Hahn–Banach theorem (which makes use of Zorn’s Lemma); if \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) it can be proven in an elementary way, I invite you to try.

Given \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) open convex non-empty and \( z∉ A\), show that there is a hyperplane \(P\) separating \( z\) from \(A\), that is, \(z\in P\) while \(A\) is entirely contained in one of the two closed half-spaces bounded by the hyperplane \(P\). Equivalently, in analytical form, there exist \(a∈ℝ,v∈ℝ^ n,v≠ 0\) such that \(⟨ z,v⟩=a\) but \(∀ x∈ A,⟨ x,v⟩{\lt}a\); and

\[ P = \{ y\in {\mathbb {R}}^ n : ⟨ y,v⟩=a \} ~ . \]

The hyperplane \(P\) thus defined is called supporting hyperplane of \(z\) for \(A\).

There are (at least) two possible proofs. A possible proof is made by induction on \(n\); we can assume without loss of generality that \( z=e_ 1=(1,0\dots 0),0∈ A, a=1\); keep in mind that the intersection of a convex open sets with \(ℝ^{n-1}× \{ 0\} ⊂ℝ^ n\) is an open convex set in \(ℝ^{n-1}\); this proof is complex but does not use any prerequisite. A second proof uses 6 and 2 if \(z∉∂ A\); if \(z∈∂ A\) it also uses 7 to find \((z_ n)⊂ {{(A^ c)}^\circ }\) with \(z_ n→ z\) . Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’17K’]


[17M] Prerequisites:3,2.If \(A,B\) are disjoint convex, with \(A\) open, show that there is a hyperplane separating \(A\) and \(B\), that is, there exist \(v∈ℝ^ n,v≠ 0\) and \(c∈ℝ\) such that

\begin{equation} ∀ x∈ A,⟨ x,v⟩< c \text{~ but ~ } ∀ y∈ B,⟨ y,v⟩≥ c ~ ;\label{eq:separa_ due_ convessi_ aperti} \end{equation}

moreover show that if also \(B\) is open, then you can have strict separation (i.e. strict inequality in the last term in ??).

(Hint: given \(A,B⊆ ℝ^ n\) convex nonempty, show that

\[ A-B{\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ x-y,x∈ A, y∈ B\} \]
is convex; show that if \(A\) is open then \(A-B\) is open, as in 2.) Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’17N’]


[17P]Find an example of open convex sets \(A,B⊂ℝ^ 2\) with \(\overline A,\overline B\) disjoint, and such that there is a single hyperplane separating them (i.e. an ”unique” choice of \(v,c\) that satisfies ??; ”unique”, up to multiplying \(v,c\) by the same positive constant). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’17Q’]


[17R] Prerequisites:3.If \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) is convex, \(x∈ {{A}^\circ }\) and \(y∈∂ A\), then the straight line that connects them, continuing over \(y\), stays out of \(\overline A\) (i.e. \(∀ t{\gt}1, ty+(1-t)x∉ \overline A\)). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’17S’]


[17T] Topics:separation,support. Prerequisites: 3,3, 8.

Given \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) convex non-empty and \(z∈ ∂ A\), prove that there exist \(v∈ℝ^ n,a∈ℝ\) such that \(⟨ z,v⟩= a\) and \(∀ x∈ A,⟨ x,v⟩≤ a\). The hyperplane thus defined is called support hyperplane of \(z\) for \(A\). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’17V’]


[17W]Difficulty:*.Given a set \(A⊂ ℝ^ 2\) bounded convex open nonempty, show that \(∂ A\) is support of a closed simple arc (that is also Lipschitz continuous).

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’17X’]