EDB — 17J

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[17J] Topics:separation. Difficulty:*.

This result applies in very general contexts, and is a consequence of Hahn–Banach theorem (which makes use of Zorn’s Lemma); if \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) it can be proven in an elementary way, I invite you to try.

Given \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) open convex non-empty and \( z∉ A\), show that there is a hyperplane \(P\) separating \( z\) from \(A\), that is, \(z\in P\) while \(A\) is entirely contained in one of the two closed half-spaces bounded by the hyperplane \(P\). Equivalently, in analytical form, there exist \(a∈ℝ,v∈ℝ^ n,v≠ 0\) such that \(⟨ z,v⟩=a\) but \(∀ x∈ A,⟨ x,v⟩{\lt}a\); and

\[ P = \{ y\in {\mathbb {R}}^ n : ⟨ y,v⟩=a \} ~ . \]

The hyperplane \(P\) thus defined is called supporting hyperplane of \(z\) for \(A\).

There are (at least) two possible proofs. A possible proof is made by induction on \(n\); we can assume without loss of generality that \( z=e_ 1=(1,0\dots 0),0∈ A, a=1\); keep in mind that the intersection of a convex open sets with \(ℝ^{n-1}× \{ 0\} ⊂ℝ^ n\) is an open convex set in \(ℝ^{n-1}\); this proof is complex but does not use any prerequisite. A second proof uses [176] and [17H] if \(z∉∂ A\); if \(z∈∂ A\) it also uses [178] to find \((z_ n)⊂ {{(A^ c)}^\circ }\) with \(z_ n→ z\) .

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Book index
  • separation
  • theorem, Hahn--Banach —
  • Banach , see also theorem, Hahn--Banach —
  • Hahn , see also theorem, Hahn--Banach —
  • Zorn
  • lemma, Zorn's —
  • supporting hyperplane
  • hyperplane
  • convex function
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