12 Normed spaces[0ZT]

Let in the following \(X\) be a vector space based on the real field \({\mathbb {R}}\).

Definition 323 Norm

[0ZV] A norm is an operation that maps a vector \(v∈ X\) in a real number \(\| v\| \), which satisfies

  1. \(\| v\| ≥ 0\) and \(\| v\| =0\) if and only if \(v=0\);

  2. for every \(v∈ X\) and \(t∈ {\mathbb {R}}\) we have \(|t|\, \| v\| =\| tv\| \) (we will say that the norm is absolutely homogeneous);

  3. (Triangle inequality) for every \(v,w∈ X\) we have

    \[ \| v+w\| ≤ \| v\| +\| w\| \quad ; \]

    this says that one side of a triangle is less than the sum of the other two.

Remark 324

[0ZW]Many of the results in subsequent exercises generalize to the case of ”asymmetic norms”, where the second request will be replaced by this: for every real \(t≥ 0\) you have \(t\| v\| =\| tv\| \). (In this case we will say that the norm is positively homogeneous).


[0ZX] Let \(X\) be a vector space and \(f:V→ {\mathbb {R}}\) a function that is positively homogeneous, that is: for every \(v∈ X\) and \(t≥ 0\) you have \(t f(v)=f (tv)\).

Show that \(f\) is convex if and only if the triangle inequality holds: for every \(v,w∈ X\) you have

\[ f(v+w) ≤ f(v)+f(w)\quad . \]

In particular, a norm is always a convex function.


[0ZY] Note that if \(v,w∈ X\) are linearly dependent and have the same direction (i.e. you can write \(v=𝜆 w\) or \(w=𝜆 v\), for \(𝜆≥ 0\)), then you have

\[ \| v+w\| = \| v\| +\| w\| \quad . \]

In particular, a norm is not a strictly convex function, because

\[ \| \frac{v} 2+\frac{v} 2\| = \frac 1 2 \| v\| +\frac 1 2\| v\| \quad . \]

[0ZZ] Prerequisites:4, 372, 1.Difficulty:*.We will say that the normed space \((X,\| ⋅\| )\) is strictly convex 1 if the following equivalent properties apply.

  • The disc \(D=\{ x∈ X:\| x\| ≤ 1\} \) is strictly convex. 2

  • The sphere \(\{ x∈ X,\| x\| =1\} \) does not contain non-trivial segments (that is, segments of positive length).

  • For \(v,w∈ D\) with \(\| v\| =\| w\| =1\) and \(v≠ w\), for every \(t\) such that \(0{\lt}t{\lt}1\), we have that \(\| t v+(1-t)w\| {\lt}1\).

  • For every \(v,w∈ X\) that are linearly independent we have \( \| v+w\| {\lt} \| v\| +\| w\| \quad .\)

Show that the previous four clauses are equivalent.


Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’102’]\includegraphics[width=\textwidth ]{UUID/1/0/4/blob_und.png} [105]Let \(X\) be a normed vector space with norm \(\| ⋅\| \). Show that the sum operation \('+':X× X→ X\) is continuous. [106] Prerequisites:286.

Let again \(X\) be a normed vector space with norm \(\| ⋅\| \). Let \(B(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : \| x-y\| {\lt} r\} \) be the ball. Let \(D(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : \| x-y\| ≤ r\} \) be the disk. Let \(S(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : \| x-y\| = r\} \) be the sphere. Show that \(\overline{B(x,r)}= D(x,r)\), that \(B(x,r)= {{D(x,r)}^\circ }\), and that \(∂{B(x,r)}=∂{D(x,r)}= S(x,r)\). Also show that \(B(x,r)\) is not closed and \(D(x,r)\) is not open. [107] Prerequisites:15.Let \(X\) be a vector space, let \(𝜙,𝜓\) be two norms on it. Show that the topologies generated by \(𝜙\) and \(𝜓\) coincide, if and only if there exist \(0{\lt}a{\lt}b\) such that

\begin{equation} ∀ x , ~ ~ a𝜓(x)≤𝜙(x)≤ b 𝜓(x)~ ~ .\label{eq:norme_ equiv} \end{equation}

(When the relation ?? holds, we will say that the norms are ”equivalent”).

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’108’] [109] We want to show that ”the norms in \(ℝ^ n\) are all equivalent.”

Let \(\| x\| =\sqrt{∑_{i=1}^ n x_ i^ 2}\) be the Euclidean norm. Let \(𝜙:ℝ^ n→[0,∞)\) be a norm: it can be shown that \(𝜙\) is a convex function, see 1; and therefore \(𝜙\) is a continuous function, see 4. Use this fact to prove that there exist \(0{\lt}a{\lt}b\) such that

\begin{equation} ∀ x , ~ ~ a\| x\| ≤𝜙(x)≤ b\| x\| ~ ~ .\label{eq:Rn_ norma_ equiv} \end{equation}

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’10B’]

  1. See [ 31 ] for more properties.
  2. The definition is in 372.