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    Let again \(X\) be a normed vector space with norm \(\| β‹…\| \). Let \(B(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : \| x-y\| {\lt} r\} \) be the ball. Let \(D(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : \| x-y\| ≀ r\} \) be the disk. Let \(S(x,r){\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ y∈ X : \| x-y\| = r\} \) be the sphere. Show that \(\overline{B(x,r)}= D(x,r)\), that \(B(x,r)= {{D(x,r)}^\circ }\), and that \(βˆ‚{B(x,r)}=βˆ‚{D(x,r)}= S(x,r)\). Also show that \(B(x,r)\) is not closed and \(D(x,r)\) is not open.

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Book index
  • ball
  • sphere
  • disk
  • normed vector space
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