17.2 Taylor polynomial[2D2]

Definition 390 Landau Symbols

[1FB]Let \(a∈\overlineℝ\) and \(I\) be a neighborhood of \(a\). Let \(f,g:I→ℝ\). We will say that ”\(f(x)=o(g(x))\) for \(x\) tending to \(a\)” if 1

\[ \forall \varepsilon {\gt}0,~ \exists \delta {\gt}0 ,x\in I \land ~ |x-a|{\lt}\delta \Rightarrow |f(x)|\le \varepsilon |g(x)| \quad . \]

This notation reads like ”f is small o of g”.

If \(g(x)≠ 0\) for \(x≠ a\), then equivalently we can write

\[ \lim _{x→ a}\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}=0\quad . \]

We will say that ”\(f(x)=O(g(x))\) for \(x\) tending to \(a\)” if if there is a constant \(c{\gt}0\) and a neighborhood \(J\) of \(a\) for which \(∀ x∈ J, |f(x)|≤ c |g(x)|\).

Again, if \(g(x)≠ 0\) for \(x≠ a\), then equivalently we can write

\[ \limsup _{x→ a}\frac{|f(x)|}{|g(x)|}{\lt}∞\quad , \]

This notation reads like ”f is big O of g”.

For further information, and more notations, see [ 50 ] .

This notation is usually attributed to Landau.

In the following for simplicity we consider only the case in which \(\lim _{x→ a}g(x)=0\); moreover in Taylor’s expansion we always have that \(g(x)=(x-a)^ n\) with \(n≥ 1\) integer. 2

Remark 391

[1FC]Attention! The symbols ”small o” and ”big O” are used differently from other symbols of mathematics. In fact, they can represent different functions, even in the same context! For example, if we write

\[ \sin (x)=x+o(x)\quad ,\quad \cos (x)=1 + o(x) \]

the two symbols ”\(o(x)\)” on the right and left represent different functions. Particular care must therefore be taken in showing the properties used in the calculus. When many of such symbols are present, it is advisable to replace them with placeholder function symbols, as in the following examples.

Let’s see two examples. Let \(a=0\) for simplicity.

Example 392

[1FD]We informally state this property.

If \(n≥ m≥ 1\) then \(o(x^ n)+o(x^ m)=o(x^ m)\).

To prove it, we convert it into a precise statement. First of all, let’s rewrite it like this.

If \(f(x)=o(x^ n)\) and \(g(x)=o(x^ m)\) then \(f(x)+g(x)=o(x^ m)\).

So let’s prove it. From the hypotheses,

\[ \lim _{x→ 0}f(x)x^{-n}=0 ~ \text{and}~ ~ \lim _{x→ 0}g(x)x^{-m}=0\quad \]


\[ \lim _{x→ 0}\frac{f(x)+g(x)}{x^{m}}= \lim _{x→ 0}\frac{f(x)}{x^{m}}+ \lim _{x→ 0}\frac{g(x)}{x^{m}}= \lim _{x→ 0} x^{n-m} \frac{f(x)}{x^{n}}+0=0. \]

Example 393

[1FF]We informally state this second property

If \(n≥ 1\) then \(o\Big(x^ n+o(x^ n)\Big)=o(x^ n)\).

We rewrite it like this.

If \(f(x)=o(x^ n)\) and \(g(x)=o(x^ n+f(x))\) then \(g(x)=o(x^ n)\).

We note that, for \(x≠ 0\) small, \(x^ n+f(x)\) is not zero, as there is a neighborhood in which \(|f(x)|≤ |x^ n/2|\). As a hypothesis we have that \(\lim _{x→ 0}f(x)x^{-n}=0\) and \(\lim _{x→ 0}g(x)/(x^ n+f(x))=0\) then

\[ \lim _{x→ 0}\frac{g(x)}{x^{n}}= \lim _{x→ 0}\frac{g(x)}{x^ n+f(x)}\frac{x^ n+f(x)}{x^{n}} \]


\[ \lim _{x→ 0}\frac{g(x)}{x^ n+f(x)}=0 \]


\[ \lim _{x→ 0}\frac{x^ n+f(x)}{x^{n}}=1\quad . \]


[1FG] Let \(a=0\) for simplicity. Rewrite the following relations, and prove them.

  • If \(n≥ m≥ 1\) then

    \[ O(x^ n)+O(x^ m) = O(x^ m), \quad o(x^ n)+O(x^ m) = O(x^ m),\quad x^ n+O(x^ m) = O(x^ m)\quad . \]
  • If \(n{\gt} m≥ 1\) then

    \[ O(x^ n)+o(x^ m) = o(x^ m),\quad x^ n+o(x^ m) = o(x^ m). \]
  • For \(n,m≥ 1\)

    \begin{eqnarray*} x^ n O(x^ m)& =& O(x^{n+m})\\ x^ n o(x^ m)& =& o(x^{n+m})\\ O(x^ n) O(x^ m)& =& O(x^{n+m})\\ o(x^ n) O(x^ m)& =& o(x^{n+m}) \end{eqnarray*}
  • \[ ∫_ 0^ y O(x^ n)\, {\mathbb {d}}x=O(y^{n+1}) \quad ∫_ 0^ y o(x^ n)\, {\mathbb {d}}x=o(y^{n+1}) \quad . \]


[1FJ] Write the Taylor polynomial of \(f(x)\) around \(x_ 0=0\), using ”Landau’s calculus of \(o(x^ n)\)” seen above.



\(p(x) + o(x^ 4)\)

\((\cos (x))^ 2\)



\(+o(x^ 4)\)

\((\cos (x))^ 3\)



\(+o(x^ 4)\)

\(\cos (x)e^ x\)



\(+o(x^ 4)\)

\(\cos (\sin (x))\)



\(+o(x^ 4)\)

\(\sin (\cos (x))\)



\(+o(x^ 4)\)

\(\log (\log (e+x))\)



\(+o(x^ 3)\)




\(+o(x^ 3)\)

(A little imagination is required to address the last two. To reduce the computations, develop the last two only up to \(o(x^ 3)\)).

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1FK’] [1FM]Find a rational approximation of \(\cos (1)\) with error less than \(1/(10!) ∼ 2.10^{-7}\) Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1FN’] [1FP]Write Taylor’s polynomial of \((1+x)^𝛼\) with \(𝛼 ∈ ℝ ⧵ ℕ\). (Infer a generalization of the binomial symbol \(\binom 𝛼 k \)). The associated Taylor series is called binomial series, it converges for \(|x|{\lt}1\).

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1FQ’] [1FR] Prerequisites:374.Note:From an idea in Apostol’s book [ 3 ] , Chapter 7.3.Write Taylor’s polynomial (around \(x_ 0 = 0\)) for \(-\log (1 - x)\), integrating

\begin{equation} \frac{1}{(1 - x)} = 1 + x + x^ 2 + \ldots + x^{n-1} + \frac{x^{n}}{(1 - x)}\label{eq:32jb} \end{equation}

and compare the ”remainder”

\begin{equation} ∫_ 0^ x\frac{t^{n}}{(1 - t)}\, {\mathbb {d}}t\label{eq:resto_ log_ strano_ int} \end{equation}

thus obtained with with the "integral remainder" of \(f(x) = -\log (1 - x)\) (as presented in Exercise 374).

Proceed similarly for \(\arctan (x)\), integrating

\begin{equation} 1/(1 + x^ 2 ) = 1 - x^ 2 + x^ 4 + \ldots + (-1)^{n} x^{2n} - (-1)^ n x^{2n+2} /(1 + x^ 2 )\quad .\label{eq:2e98a} \end{equation}

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1FS’] [1FT]Prerequisites:374,4.Difficulty:.Evaluate for which \(r {\gt} 0\) we have that the Taylor remainder of \(f (x) = - \log (1 - x)\) is infinitesimal in \(n\), uniformly for \(|x| {\lt} r\); this, using the remainder seen in ??, using the integral remainder or using the Lagrange remainder.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1FV’]


See also exercise 374.

  1. Consider that \(J=\{ x\in I : ~ |x-a|{\lt}\delta \} \) is a neighborhood of \(a\).
  2. Some authors also use the \(o(1)\) notation to indicate an infinitesimal quantity for \(x→ a\), but this can generate confusion .