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Definition 35

[1FB]Let \(a∈\overlineℝ\) and \(I\) be a neighborhood of \(a\). Let \(f,g:I→ℝ\). We will say that ”\(f(x)=o(g(x))\) for \(x\) tending to \(a\)” if 1

\[ \forall \varepsilon {\gt}0,~ \exists \delta {\gt}0 ,x\in I \land ~ |x-a|{\lt}\delta \Rightarrow |f(x)|\le \varepsilon |g(x)| \quad . \]

This notation reads like ”f is small o of g”.

If \(g(x)≠ 0\) for \(x≠ a\), then equivalently we can write

\[ \lim _{x→ a}\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}=0\quad . \]

We will say that ”\(f(x)=O(g(x))\) for \(x\) tending to \(a\)” if if there is a constant \(c{\gt}0\) and a neighborhood \(J\) of \(a\) for which \(∀ x∈ J, |f(x)|≤ c |g(x)|\).

Again, if \(g(x)≠ 0\) for \(x≠ a\), then equivalently we can write

\[ \limsup _{x→ a}\frac{|f(x)|}{|g(x)|}{\lt}∞\quad , \]

This notation reads like ”f is big O of g”.

For further information, and more notations, see [ 45 ] .

This notation is usually attributed to Landau.

  1. Consider that \(J=\{ x\in I : ~ |x-a|{\lt}\delta \} \) is a neighborhood of \(a\).
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Book index
  • Taylor's theorem
  • small o , see Landau symbols
  • big O , see Landau symbols
  • Landau symbols
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