10.14 P-adic ultrametric[2CG]

We report from the notes [ 2 ] the definition of the \(p\)–adic distance on the \(ℚ\) set. Let \(p\) be a fixed prime number.

Definition 307

[0XF] Each rational number \(x≠0\) breaks down uniquely as a product

\begin{equation} \label{primi} x=± p_ 1^{m_ 1}p_ 2^{m_ 2}\cdots p_ k^{m_ k}\ , \end{equation}

where \(p_ 1{\lt}p_ 2{\lt}\cdots {\lt}p_ k\) are prime numbers and the \(m_ j\) integers. Fixed as above a prime number \(p\), we define the \(p\)–adic absolute value of \(x∈ℚ\) as

\[ |x|_ p=\begin{cases} 0 & \text{ ~ \text{if}~ ~ }x=0\\ p^{-m}& \text{ if $p^ m$ is the factor with base $p$ in the decomposition~ ~ \ref{primi}\ .} \end{cases} \]

Finally, we define \(d(x,y)=|x-y|_ p\), which will turn out to be a distance on \(ℚ\), called \(p\)–adic distance.

We add this definition, which will be very useful in the following.
Definition 311

[0XG]For \(n∈ℤ,n≠ 0\) we define

\[ 𝜑_ p(n)=\max \{ h∈ℕ, p^ h \text{ {divides} } n\} ~ ~ . \]

Let’s also define \(𝜑_ p(0)=∞\). This \(𝜑_ p\) is known as p-adic valuation [ 63 ] . .


[0XH] Prove these fundamental relation.

  1. \(|1|_ p=1\) and more generally \(|n|_ p≤ 1\) for every nonnull integer \(n\), with equality if \(n\) is not divisible by \(p\).

  2. Given \(n\) nonnull integer, we have that \(|n|_ p=p^{-𝜑_ p(n)}\).

  3. Given \(n,m\) integers, we have that \(𝜑_ p(n+m)≥ \min \{ 𝜑_ p(n),𝜑_ p(m)\} \) with equality if \(𝜑_ p(n)≠ 𝜑_ p(m)\).

  4. Given \(n,m\) nonzero integers, we have that \(𝜑_ p(nm)=𝜑_ p(n)+𝜑_ p(m)\) and therefore \(|nm|_ p=|n|_ p |m|_ p\).

  5. Given \(x=a/b\) with \(a,b\) nonnull integers we have that \(|x|_ p=p^{-𝜑_ p(a)+𝜑_ p(b)}\). Note that if \(a,b\) are coprime, then one of the two terms \(𝜑_ p(a),𝜑_ p(b)\) is zero.

  6. Prove that \(|x y|_ p = |x|_ p |y|_ p\) for \(x,y∈ℚ\).

  7. Prove that \(|x/y|_ p = |x|_ p / |y|_ p\) for \(x,y∈ℚ\) nonzero.


[UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0XK’] [0XM] Check that

\begin{equation} |x+y|_ p≤\max \big\{ |x|_ p,|y|_ p\big\} \label{eq:valu_ p-adi_ plus} \end{equation}

for each \(x,\, y∈ℚ\). and therefore

\[ d_ p(x,z)≤\max \big\{ d_ p(x,y),d_ p(y,z)\big\} \ ,\qquad ∀\, x,\, y,\, z∈ ℚ\ ~ . \]

that is, this is an ultrametric (and therefore a distance). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0XN’] The properties 6 and ?? say that the p-adic valuation is an absolute value, and indeed it is a Krull valuation.

[UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0XP’] [0XQ]Show that the multiplication map is continuous. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0XR’]

[UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0XS’] [0XT] Find an example of a sequence that tends to zero (but never takes the value 0). This example shows that the associated topology is not the discrete topology. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0XV’] [0XW]Difficulty:*.Show, for every \(a/b∈ℚ\) with \(a,b\) coprime and \(b\) not divisible by \(p\), there exists \((x_ n)_ n⊆ ℤ\) such that \(|x_ n-a/b|_ p→_ n 0\). Note that the assumption is necessary.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0XX’] We proved that \(ℤ\) is dense in the disk \(\{ x∈ℚ, |x|_ p≤ 1\} \). [0XY]Difficulty:**.Show that \((ℚ,d)\) is not a complete metric space.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0XZ’] [0Y0]Show that no \(p\)–adic distance on \(ℚ\) is bi–Lipschitz equivalent to the Euclidean distance (induced by \(ℝ\)).

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0Y1’]