10.11 Baire’s Theorem and categories

The following is Baire’s category theorem; there are several equivalent statements.

Theorem 300

[0VV]Suppose \((X,d)\) is complete.

  • Given countably many sets \(A_ n\) that are open and dense in \(X\), we have that \(⋂_ n A_ n\) is dense.

  • Given countably many sets \(C_ n\) closed with empty interior in \(X\), we have that \(⋃_ n C_ n\) has empty interior.

Definition 301

[0VW]A set that is contained in the union of countably many closed sets with empty interior is called first category set in \(X\). 1 A set that is not first category, is said second category.


[0VX]A complete metric space \(X\) is second category in itself. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0VY’]


[0VZ]Given \(X=ℝ\), the set of irrational numbers is second category in \(ℝ\). Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0W0’]


[0W1]Reflect on the statements:

  • A closed set \(C\) inside a complete metric space \((X,d)\) is complete (when viewed as a metric space \((C,d)\)).

  • The set \(C=\{ 0\} ∪\{ 1/n : n∈ℕ\} \) is closed in \(ℝ\), so \(C\) is complete with distance \(d(x,y)=|x-y|\).

  • \(C\) is composed of countably many points.

  • A singleton \(\{ x\} \) is a closed set with an empty internal part.

Why is there no contradiction?

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’0W2’]


[0W3]Topics:perfect set.Prerequisites:1,117.

Suppose \((X,d)\) is a complete metric space. A closed set without isolated points, i.e. consisting only of accumulation points, is called a perfect set. Show that a non-empty perfect set \(E\) contained in \(X\) must be uncountably infinite. (Find a simple direct proof, using Baire’s Theorem 300.)

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’2DZ’]

The Cantor set is a perfect set, see 1.

  1. It is sometimes also called meagre set (for example in Wikipedia [ 47 ] ).