3.12 Combinatorics
- E129
[09N] Let be given \(n,k\) natural with \(k≥ 1\). How many different choices of vectors \((j_ 1,\ldots j_ k)\) of natural numbers are there such that \(j_ 1+\cdots +j_ k=n\) ? How many different choices of vectors \((j_ 1,\ldots j_ k)\) of positive natural numbers are there such that \(j_ 1+\cdots +j_ k=n\) ? Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’09P’]
- E129
[09Q] Let \(n,m\) be positive integers and let \(I=\{ 1,\ldots ,n\} ,J=\{ 1,\ldots m\} \).
How many functions \(f:I→ J\) are there?
How many functions \(f:I→ J\) are injective?
How many functions \(f:I→ J\) are strictly growing?
How many functions \(f:I→ J\) are weakly increasing?
Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’09R’]
See also exercise 3.