23.4 Envelope

Given a family of planar curves, we want to define the envelope curve. Let’s see two possible definitions.

Definition 436 Curve Envelope


  • Suppose the curves in the plane are described by the equation in implicit form \(F(x,y,a)=0\); that is, fixed the parameter \(a\), the curve is the locus

    \[ \{ (x,y) : F(x,y,a)=0\} \quad ; \]

    Then the envelope is obtained by expliciting the variable \(a\) from the equation \(\frac{\partial ~ }{\partial {a}} F(x,y,a)=0\) and substituting it into the \(F(x,y,a)=0\).

  • For simplicity, consider curves that are functions of the abscissa. Let \(y=f(x,a)=f_ a(x)\) be a family of functions, with \(x∈ I,a∈ J\) (open intervals), then \(y=g(x)\) is the envelope of \(f_ a\) if the graph of \(g\) is covered by the union of the graphs of \(f_ a\) and the curve \(g\) is tangent to every \(f_ a\) where it touches it. More precisely, for every \(x∈ I\) there is \(a∈ J\) for which \(g(x)=f(x,a)\), and also, for every choice of \(a\) that satisfies \(g(x)=f(x,a)\), we have \(g'(x)=f'(x,a)\).

Remark 437

[240]The envelope curve has an important property in the field of differential equations. Suppose \(y=f_ a(x)\) are solutions of the differential equation \(Φ(y',y,x)=0\): then also \(g\) is solution (immediate verification). 1


We want to see that the two previous definitions are equivalent in this sense.


[1RV]Let’s start with the first definition. Suppose we can apply the Implicit Function Theorem to the locus

\[ E_ a= \{ (x,a) : F(x,y,a)=0\} \quad ; \]

Precisely, suppose that at a point \((\overline x,\overline y,\overline a)\) we have that \(\frac{\partial {}F}{\partial {y}} ≠ 0\). To this we also add the hypothesis \(\frac{\partial {}^ 2F}{\partial {aa}}≠ 0\). Fixed \(a\), you can express \(E_ a\) locally as a graph \(y=f(x,a)=f_ a(x)\). We also use the hypothesis \(\frac{\partial {}^ 2F}{\partial {aa}}≠ 0\) to express locally \(\frac{\partial {}F}{\partial {a}}= 0\) as a graph \(a=Φ(x,y)\). Defining \(G(x,y){\stackrel{.}{=}}F(x,y,Φ(x,y))\), show that \(G=0\) can be represented as \(y=g(x)\). Finally, show that \(g\) is the envelope of the curves \(f_ a\).



[1RY]In the above hypotheses, assuming that \(\frac{\partial {}F}{\partial {y}} {\gt} 0\) and \(\frac{\partial {}^ 2F}{\partial {aa}}{\gt}0\), show that the envelope graph \(g\) is locally the ”edge” of the union of the graphs \(f_ a\) (in the sense that \(g(x)≥ f_ a(x)\) with equality for only one \(a\)).



[1S1]Note:From the text [ 19 ] , pg 84..Consider the curves

\[ y=f(x,a)=a x+\frac{a^ 2} 2 \]
  • Find a differential equation solved by all curves. (Sugg. Eliminate \(a\) from the system \(y=f, y'=\frac{\partial ~ }{\partial {x}} f\). The result can be left in non-normal form.)

  • Calculate the envelope; check that it satisfies the differential equation obtained above.

See also the figure 10. Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1S2’]

Figure 10 Solution of 3: envelope.

[1S4]Consider ellipses \(a x^ 2 + y^ 2/a = 2\) (with \(a{\gt}0\)).

  • Find the region of the plane covered by these ellipses.

  • Show that the edge of this region is the envelope of ellipses, and describe it.



[1S7]Let’s consider the lines \(a x + y/a = 1\) (with \(a{\gt}0\)).

  • Find the region of the first quadrant covered by these lines.

  • Show that the edge of this region is the envelope of the lines and describe it.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1S8’]


[1S9]Let’s consider the straight lines

\[ \frac{x}{a} + \frac{y}{1-a} = 1 \]

with \(x,y,a∈ (0,1)\). Describe the envelope curve.

Hidden solution: [UNACCESSIBLE UUID ’1SB’]

  1. With equations in normal form, however, this notion is not interesting because there is local uniqueness and then there can be no special solutions; that is, if \(g=f_ a\) \(g'=f_ a'\) at a point \(x\) then they coincide in a neighborhood.