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[0HP] Prerequisites:[0KX],[0KZ].Let \(X=ℝ∪\{ +∞,-∞\} \), consider the family \(\mathcal B\) of parts of \(X\) that contains

  • open intervals \((a,b)\) with \(a,b∈ℝ\) and \(a{\lt}b\),

  • half-lines \((a,+∞]=(a,+∞)∪\{ +∞\} \) with \(a∈ℝ\),

  • the half-lines \([-∞,b)=(-∞,b)∪\{ -∞\} \) with \(b∈ℝ\).

(Note the similarity of sets in the second and third points with the ”neighbourhoods of infinity” seen in Sec. [29H]).

Show that \(\mathcal B\) satisfies the properties (a),(b) seen in [0KX]. Let \(𝜏\) therefore be the topology generated from this base. The topological space \((X,𝜏)\) is called extended line, often denoted \(\overlineℝ\).

This topological space is \(T_ 2\), it is compact (Exercise [0JB]), and is homoemorphic to the interval \([0,1]\). It can be equipped with a distance that generates the topology described above.

Solution 1


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Book index
  • space, topological
  • topological space
  • \( \overline ℝ \) , see extended line
  • extended line
  • line, extended , see extended line
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