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[0PT] Prerequisites:[0M3], [0PS], [107], [10F],[10J].

Having fixed \((X_ 1,d_ 1),\ldots ,(X_ n,d_ n)\) metric spaces, let \(X=X_ 1× \cdots × X_ n\).

Let \(𝜑\) be one of the norms defined in eqn. [2CK] in Sec. [2CK]. Two possible examples are \(𝜑(x)=|x_ 1|+\cdots + |x_ n|\) or \(𝜑(x)=\max _{i=1\ldots n} |x_ i|\).

Finally, let’s define for \(x,y∈ X\)

\begin{equation} d(x,y)=𝜑\big( d_ 1(x_ 1,y_ 1), \ldots , d_ n(x_ n,y_ n)\big)\quad . \label{eq:dist_ prodotto} \end{equation}

Show that \(d\) is a distance; show that the topology in \((X,d)\) coincides with the product topology (see [0M3]).

Note that this approach generalizes the definition of the Euclidean distance between points in \(ℝ^ n\) (taking \(X_ i=ℝ\) and \(𝜑(z)=\sqrt{∑_ i |z_ i|^ 2}\)). We deduce that the topology of \(ℝ^ n\) is the product of the topologies of \(ℝ\).

Solution 1


See also the exercise [0QM], which reformulates the above using the concept of bases of topologies.

[ [0PV]] [ [0PW]]

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Book index
  • accumulation point, in metric spaces
  • topology, in metric spaces
  • metric space
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