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  1. [0RC] Topics:fattened set.Prerequisites:[0R9].

    Consider a metric space \((M,d)\). Let \(A⊆ M\) be closed and non-empty, let \(r{\gt}0\) be fixed, and let \(d_ A\) be the distance function defined as in eqn. [(9.62)]. Let then \(E=\{ x,d_ A(x)≤ r\} \), notice that it is closed.

    1. Show that

      \begin{equation} d_ E(x)≥ \max \{ 0, (d_ A(x)-r)\} ~ ~ .\label{eq:d_ E_ d_ A_ r} \end{equation}

    2. Show that in ?? you have equality if \(M=ℝ^ N\).

    3. Give a simple example of a metric space where equality in ?? does not hold.

    4. If \(M=ℝ^ n\), given \(A⊂ ℝ^ n\) closed non-empty, show that \(E=A ⊕ D_ r\) where \(D_ r{\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ x, |x|≤ r\} \) and

      \[ A ⊕ B{\stackrel{.}{=}}\{ x+y,x∈ A, y∈ B\} \]

      is the Minkowski sum of the two sets (see also Section [2CP]).

    Solution 1


    The set \(\{ x,d_ A(x)≤ r\} =A ⊕ D_ r\) is sometimes called the ”fattening” of \(A\). In figure 3 we see an example of a set \(A\) fattened to \(r=1,2\); the set \(A\) is the black polygon (and is filled in), whereas the dashed lines in the drawing are the contours of the fattened sets. 1 See also the properties in sections [2CP] and [2CQ].

    \includegraphics[width=0.35\textwidth ]{UUID/0/R/F/blob_zxx}
    Figure 2 Fattening of a set; exercise 63
  1. The fattened sets are not drawn filled — otherwise they would cover \(A\).
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Book index
  • fattened set
  • set, fattened ---
  • Minkowski
  • Minkowski sum
  • sum, Minkowski ---
  • metric space
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