EDB — 11G

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Definition 36

[11G] Let \(A∈ℝ^{m× n}\) be a matrix; considering it as a linear application between normed spaces \((ℝ^ n,||_ p)\) and \((ℝ^ m,||_ q)\), let’s define again the induced norm as

\begin{equation} \| A\| _{p,q}{\stackrel{.}{=}}\max _{x∈ℝ^ n~ ,~ |x|_ p≤ 1} |Ax|_ q\label{eq:norme_ matrici} \end{equation}

(Note that the maximum is always reached at a point with \(|x|_ p=1\)).

The norm \(\| A\| _{2,2}\) is called the spectral norm. .

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Book index
  • norm, spectral
  • normed vector space
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