EDB — 124

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Definition 51

[124]For \(A,B⊆ X\) arbitrary subsets, we recall the definition of Minkowski sum \(A ⊕ B=\{ x+y : x∈ A, y∈ B\} \) defined in [11R].

Having now fixed a set \(B\), we define

  • the dilation of a set \(A⊆ X\) to be \(A ⊕ B\);

  • the erosion of a set \(A⊆ X\) as

    \[ A ⊖ B=\{ z∈ X:(B+z)⊆ A\} \quad ; \]
  • the closing \(A ∙ B = ( A ⊕ B ) ⊖ B\);

  • the opening \( A ∘ B = ( A ⊖ B ) ⊕ B\).

Where, given \(B⊆ X,z∈ X\), we have indicated with \(B+z=\{ b+z:b∈ B\} \) the translation of \(B\) in the direction \(z\). In previous operations \(B\) it is known as ”structural element”, And in applications often \(B\) it’s a puck or a ball.

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Book index
  • dilation
  • erosion
  • normed vector space
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