EDB β€” 13Z

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  1. [13Z]Let \(f_ 1:[0,∞]β†’ [0,∞]\) monotonic function (weakly increasing) and right continuous. Let then \(f_ 2:[0,∞)β†’[0,∞]\) be given by

    \[ f_ 2 (s) = \sup \{ tβ‰₯ 0 : f_ 1 (t) {\gt} s\} \]

    (with the convention that \(\sup βˆ… =0\)) and then again \(f_ 3:[0,∞)β†’[0,∞]\) defined by

    \[ f_ 3 (s) = \sup \{ tβ‰₯ 0 : f_ 2 (t) {\gt} s\} \quad : \]

    then \(f_ 1≑ f_ 3\).

    Solution 1


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  • lower semicontinuous
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