EDB β€” 188

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  1. [188] Topics:subdifferential.Prerequisites:[184].Difficulty:*.

    Let \(CβŠ† ℝ^ n\) be an open convex set, and \(f:C→ℝ\) a convex function; Given \(z∈ C\), we define the subdifferential \(βˆ‚ f(z)\) as the set of \(v\) for which the relation [(14.24)] is valid (i.e., \(βˆ‚ f(z)\) contains all vectors \(v\) defining the support planes to \(f\) in \(z\)).

    \(βˆ‚ f(z)\) enjoys interesting properties.

    • \(βˆ‚ f(z)\) is locally bounded: if \(z∈ C\) and \(r{\gt}0\) is such that \(B(z,2r)βŠ‚ C\), then \(L{\gt}0\) exists such that \(βˆ€ y∈ B(z,r)\), \(βˆ€ v∈ βˆ‚ f(x)\) you have \(|v|≀ L\). In particular, for every \(z∈ C\), we have that \(βˆ‚ f(z)\) is a bounded set.

    • Show that \(βˆ‚ f\) is upper continuous in this sense: if \(z∈ C\) and \((z_ n)_ nβŠ‚ C\) and \(v_ nβˆˆβˆ‚ f(z_ n)\) and if \(z_ nβ†’_ n z\) and \(v_ nβ†’_ n v\) then \(vβˆˆβˆ‚ f(z)\). In particular, for every \(z∈ C\), \(βˆ‚ f(z)\) is a closed set.

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Book index
  • subdifferential
  • \( \partial f\) , see subdifferential
  • convex function
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