- E18
[1DG]5 Let \(n≥ 1\) be an integer. Let \(I\) be an open interval and \(x_ 0∈ I\), let \(f,g:I→ℝ\) be functions \(n-1\) times differentiable in the interval, and whose \((n-1)\)-th derivative is differentiable in \(x_ 0\).
Show that the product \(fg\) is differentiable \(n-1\) times in the interval, and its \((n-1)\)-th derivative is differentiable in \(x_ 0\). Write an explicit formula for the n-th derivative \((fg)^{(n)}\) in \(x_ 0\) of the product of the two functions, (formula that uses derivatives of only \(f\) and only \(g\)).
(If you don’t find it, look in Wikipedia at the General Leibniz rule [ 54 ] ) .
Solution 1
"Mennucci , Andrea C. G."
Book index
- [62] to3em. General Leibniz rule — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2023. URL https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=General_Leibniz_rule&oldid=1154019139. [Online; accessed 19-giugno-2023].
Book index
- Leibniz's formula
- formula, Leibniz's --- , see Leibniz's formula
- Leibniz
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