EDB β€” 1GD

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Theorem 47

[1GD] Let \(f:AβŠ†β„^ n→ℝ\) be continuous, with \(A\) open, and let \(\overline x=(\overline x',\overline x_ n)∈ A\) be such that \(βˆ‚_{x_ n} f\) exists in a neighborhood of \(\overline x\), is continuous in \(\overline x\) and \(βˆ‚_{x_ n}f(\overline x) β‰ 0\). Define \(\overline a=f(\overline x)\).

There is then a ”cylindrical” neighborhood \(U\) of \(\overline x\)

\[ U=U'Γ— J \]


\[ U'=B(\overline x',𝛼) \]

is the open ball in \(ℝ^{n-1}\) centered in \(\overline x'\) of radius \(𝛼{\gt}0\), and

\[ J= (\overline x_ n-𝛽,\overline x_ n+𝛽) \]

with \(𝛽{\gt}0\). Inside this neighborhood \(U∩ f^{-1}(\{ \overline a\} )\) coincides with the graph \(x_ n=g(x')\), with \(g:U'\to J\) continuous.

This means that, for every \(x=(x',x_ n)∈ U\), \(f(x)=\overline a\) if and only if \(x_ n=g(x')\).

Moreover, if \(f\) is of class \(C^ k\) on \(A\) for some \(kβˆˆβ„•^*\), then \(g\) is of class \(C^ k\) on \(U'\) and

\begin{equation} \label{der_ g_ 2} \def\de {βˆ‚} \frac{βˆ‚g}{βˆ‚x_ i}(x')=-\frac{\displaystyle \frac{βˆ‚f}{βˆ‚x_ i}\big(x',g(x'))}{\displaystyle \frac{βˆ‚f}{βˆ‚x_ n}\big(x',g(x'))} \qquad \forall x'∈ U', \forall i, 1≀ i≀ n-1\quad . \end{equation}

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