EDB — 1J3

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Let \(I⊂ℝ\) be an interval. Which of these classes \(\mathcal F\) of functions \(f:I→ℝ\) are closed for uniform convergence? Which are closed for pointwise convergence?

  1. The continuous and monotonic (weakly) increasing functions on \(I=[0,1]\).

    Solution 1


  2. The convex functions on \(I=[0,1]\).

    Solution 2


  3. Given \(𝜔:[0,∞)→ [0,∞)\) a fixed continuous function with \(𝜔(0)=0\) (which is called ”continuity modulus”), and

    \[ {\mathcal F}=\{ f:[0,1]→ℝ ~ :~ ∀ x,y, |f(x)-f(y)|≤ 𝜔(|x-y|)\} \]

    (this is called a family of equicontinuous functions, as explained in the definition [1HR].)

    Solution 3


  4. Given \(N≥ 0\) fixed, the family of all polynomials of degree less than or equal to \(N\), seen as functions \(f:[0,1]→ℝ\).

    Solution 4


  5. The regulated functions on \(I=[0,1]\). 1

    Solution 5


  6. The uniformly continuous and bounded functions on \(I=ℝ\).

    Solution 6


  7. The Hoelder functions on \(I=[0,1]\), i.e.

    \[ \Big\{ f:[0,1]→ℝ ~ \Big|~ ∃ b{\gt}0,∃𝛼∈(0,1]~ ~ ∀ x,y∈[0,1], |f(x)-f(y)|≤ b |x-y|^𝛼\Big\} \]

    Solution 7


  8. The Riemann integrable functions on \(I=[0,1]\).

    Solution 8


  1. Regulated functions \(f:I→ℝ\) are the functions that, at each point, have finite left limit, and finite right limit. See Section [2CT].
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Book index
  • function, monotonic
  • convex function
  • continuity modulus
  • equicontinuous functions
  • functions, equicontinuous
  • polynomial, sequence of ---
  • polynomial, convergence of ---
  • regulated function
  • function, bounded ---
  • function, uniformly continuous ---
  • Hoelder
  • function, Hölder ---
  • function, Riemann integrable ---
  • convergence, uniform ---
  • convergence, pointwise ---
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