EDB — 1K4

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[1K4]Prerequisites:[1HR],[0V3],[0VR],[1K2],[1K0].Difficulty:**.Note:A version of Ascoli–Arzelà’s theorem.

Let \(I⊆ ℝ\) be a closed and bounded interval. Let \(C(I)\) be the set of continuous functions \(f:I→ℝ\). We equip \(C(I)\) with distance \(d_∞(f,g)=\| f-g\| _∞\). We know that metric space \((C(I),d_∞)\) is complete.

Let \({\mathcal F}⊆ C(I)\): the following are equivalent.

  1. \({\mathcal F}\) is compact

  2. \({\mathcal F}\) is closed, it is equicontinuous and bounded (i.e. \(\sup _{f∈{\mathcal F}} \| f\| _∞{\lt}∞\)).

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Book index
  • Ascoli
  • Arzelà
  • theorem, Ascoli--Arzelà's ---
  • convergence, uniform ---
  • convergence, pointwise ---
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