EDB β€” 1R7

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Lemma 15

[1R7]Let \(UβŠ† ℝ^ 2\) be open, let \(f,g:U→ℝ\) be continuous with \(fβ‰₯ g\); let \(IβŠ†β„\) be an open interval with \(t_ 0∈ I\), and let \(x,w:I→ℝ\) solutions of

\[ x'(t)=f(t,x(t))\quad ,\quad w(t)=g(t,w(t)) \]

with \(x(t_ 0)β‰₯ w(t_ 0)\): then \(x(t)β‰₯ w(t)\) for \(tβ‰₯ t_ 0\). Note indeed that \(x'(t)β‰₯ w'(t)\) and therefore \(x(t)-w(t)\) is an increasing function.

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