EDB — 1V2

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Prove Jacobi’s formula:

\[ \frac{d}{d a_{i,j}} \det (A) = C_{i,j}\quad , \]

where \(a_{i,j}\) is the element of \(A\) in row \(i\) and column \(j\), and \(C\) is the matrix of cofactors of \(A\), which is the transpose of the adjoint matrix \({\operatorname {adj}}(A)\). Consequently, if \(F:ℝ→ℂ^{n × n}\) is differentiable, then

\[ {\frac{d}{dt}}\det F(t)={\operatorname {tr}}\left({\operatorname {adj}}(F(t))\, {\frac{dF(t)}{dt}}\right) \]

where \({\operatorname {tr}}(X)\) is the trace of \(X\).

Hint: use Laplace’s expansion for the determinant.

Solution 1


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Book index
  • Jacobi
  • Jacobi, formula
  • cofactor matrix
  • matrix, cofactor ---
  • adjugate matrix
  • matrix, adjugate ---
  • determinant , see matrix, determinant
  • matrix, determinant
  • Laplace
  • Laplace expansion
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