EDB — 1X3

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Exercise 143

[1X3] Let \(A,B⊆ ℝ\) and let \(f:A→ B\) be defined by the formula \(f(x)=x^ 2\); tell if, for the following choices of \(A,B\), the function \(f\) is injective and/or surjective.

  1. \(A=ℝ,B=ℝ\)

  2. \(A=ℝ,B=[0,∞)\)

  3. \(A=[0,∞),B=ℝ\)

  4. \(A=[0,∞),B=[0,∞)\)

If the function is bijective, what is its inverse commonly called?

(This exercise is to make you ponder about the difference between ”formula” and ”function.”

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