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Exercise 51

[1XY] Difficulty:*. Let \(A\) be a well-ordered set 1 by the order \(≤\); let \(m=\min A\); then for propositions \(P(a)\) with \(a∈ A\) you can use a proof method, called transfinite induction, in which

  • \(P(m)\) is required to be true, and

  • the following ”inductive step” is proven:

    \[ ∀ n∈ ℕ \Big( \big(∀ k{\lt} n, P(k)\big)⇒ P(n)\Big) \]

Show that if the proposition \(P\) satisfies the previous two requirements, then \(∀ x∈ A,P(x)\).

Prove also that if \(A=ℕ\) then the ”inductive step” is equivalent to the inductive step of strong induction (defined in [1XS]).

  1. As defined in [07R].
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  • transfinite, induction
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