EDB — 1Z6

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Proposition 167


  • Suppose that the function \(f:A× A→ B\) is invariant for the equivalence relation \(∼\) in all its variables, i.e.

    \[ ∀ x,y,v,w∈ A, \quad x ∼ y∧ v∼ w⇒ f(x,v)=f(y,w)\quad ; \]

    let \(\tilde f\) be the projection to the quotient \(\widetilde f:\frac A∼× \frac A∼→ B\) that satisfies

    \[ f(x,y)=\widetilde f(𝜋(x),𝜋(y))\quad . \]

    If \(f\) is commutative (resp. associative) then \(\widetilde f\) is commutative (resp. associative).

  • If \(R\) is a relation in \(A× A\) invariant for \(∼\), and \(R\) is reflexive (resp symmetrical, antisymmetric, transitive) then \(\widetilde R\) is reflexive (resp symmetrical, antisymmetric, transitive).

  • If \(A\) and \(B\) are ordered and the order is invariant, and \(f\) is monotonic, then \(\widetilde f\) is monotonic.

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